Schools Out for Boris
Schools closure announcement on 18 March, in defiance of scientific advice
As I wrote of Simon Dolan’s legal challenge to the Lockdown in WORLDS ENDS: Coronavirus, Frankenstein and Other Monsters, Chapter 9 Anarchy in The UK: “This is one of the most important legal documents to have been written this century.”
The release of the SAGE Minutes, under pressure from Simon Dolan’s legal case, has proved these words prophetic.
We now have a clear timeline which supports all that was written in Chapter 3 of WORLDS ENDS: Coronavirus, Frankenstein and Other Monsters .
At that time of writing, all that was available from SAGE was its carefully manipulated selection of pre-April 2020 documents.
if one were aware that all along since 2011, Govt UK had in place a SARS-CoV2 Pandemic Plan.
If one were aware that the 2011 Plan was re-issued and endorsed by Govt UK on 27 February 2020:
If one were aware that the 2011 Govt UK SARS-CoV2 Pandemic Plan was again re-issued and endorsed by Govt UK on 3 March 2020.
If one were aware that the 2011 Govt UK SARS-CoV2 Pandemic Plan was stated in the Govt UK 26 May Plan To Rebuild, as being the plan which Govt UK had been following since Lockdown on 23 March.
Then one could see, as through a glass darkly smudged with the panicked palm-prints of Boris Johnson, the transparent reality.
The true story of how Britain’s schools came to be closed, by Parliamentary announcement of 18 March 2020. The invisible hand of Dominic Cummings, manipulating a coterie of cowed SAGE members to manufacture risible scientific veneer for political decisions.
17. While SAGE's view remains that school closures constitutes one of the less effective single measure to reduce the epidemic peak, it may nevertheless become necessary to introduce school closures in order to push demand for critical care below NHS capacity. However school closures could increase the risks of transmission at smaller gatherings and for more vulnerable groups as well as impacting on key workers including NHS staff. As such it was agreed that further analysis and modelling of potential school closures was required (demand/supply, and effects on spread).
On Monday of this darkest week for Britain’s ten million children, and their parents and teachers, SAGE maintained the consistent advice that school closures are covid pointless, and self-evidently socially destructive. Indeed, SAGE was advising the school closures could increase covid risk.
SAGE concludes that further analysis and modelling is required.
TUESDAY 17 March
Education Minister Gavin Williamson duly reported SAGE’s advice, the very next day.
Tue 17th Mar 2020, 14.00
The education secretary has released a video, in which he seeks to reassure headteachers about the government’s work to support them, and thanks staff for their “ongoing cooperation at this difficult time”.
Williamson said current medical and scientific guidance “indicates that at this stage, schools and other educational settings should remain open”.
However, he said that “if there comes a point when the chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser tell us that closing schools would be in the best interests of children and teachers, “we will take this step”.
WEDNESDAY 18 March: SAGE Minutes
2. SAGE advises that available evidence now supports implementing school closures on a national level as soon as practicable to prevent NHS intensive care capacity being exceeded.
At the very same time, in Parliament:
Photograph: Barcroft Media via Getty Images
An urgent explanation is required:
On Monday: SAGE repeats its view that school closures are covid detrimental, and concludes that further analysis and modelling is required.
On Wednesday: Gavin Williamson stands up in Parliament and announces school closures. At the very same time, this gnomic paragraph appears in SAGE Minutes of that very day.
Those SAGE Minutes go on:
School closures
20. SAGE reviewed available evidence and modelling on the potential impact of school closures. The evidence indicates that school closures, combined with other measures, could help to bring the R0 number below 1, although there is uncertainty.
SAGE and Govt UK now need urgently to explain to the public:
how “available evidence and modelling” became available on Tuesday 17 March, when it was not available on Monday 16 March.
If that “available evidence and modelling” was available on Tuesday 17 March, then explain why was Gavin Williamson allowed to release on that very day an official Govt UK video saying that schools will stay open.
These explanations patently will not be forthcoming, as that which is impossible as a matter of actuality, cannot be explained.
This SAGE Meeting Minute is another where the censor’s bumper pen has been busy:
Join the dots:
The reality is obvious. On 17 March, a political decision was taken to close schools, in violation of SAGE’s consistent advice, from February through to 16 March.
You can then consider whether it is a coincidence that 17 March is the day that Ferguson, and his fraudulent Report of 16 March, were shepherded into Downing Street for a private meeting.
It is not remotely realistic or credible that further analysis and modelling which was required on Monday, became magically available on Tuesday.
So, some other information was given to SAGE on Tuesday 17 March, or early on Wednesday 18 March, which made SAGE change 8 weeks of advice to Govt UK.
SAGE must now publish all communications received by SAGE and its members on Tuesday 17 March and Wednesday 18 March.
Alternatively, SAGE members can now simply admit the truth. They are a hypocritical and fraudulent spawn of Govt UK lackeys, who say whatever Boris and his ever-necessary henchman tell them to say. Their “science” follows whatever Boris and his most necessary man tells them it must follow.
The SAGE Members endorsed the wounding of Britain’s schoolchildren, parents and teachers despite the science. Not because of it. They are Boris Johnson’s willing executioners of Britain.